Monthly Archives: July 2016

Eldorado Peak Summit Video

Here’s the video I recorded on the summit of Eldorado Peak. Our knowledgeable climb leaders are pointing out many of the peaks that were visible: Mount Baker, Shuksan, Glacier Peak, Rainier, Forbidden Peak, and many, many more.

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More Eldorado Peak Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from our Eldorado Peak climb. These were taken by fellow climber Phil.

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Eldorado Peak Graduation Climb

The last climb I needed to graduate from the Mountaineers Basic Alpine Climbing Course was a glacier climb, and after many cancellations due to bad weather, I finally got the chance this past weekend. We headed up Torment Creek, then … Continue reading

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Dell Zino HD Forgets Its HDMI Port

For the last five years or so I’ve been using a Dell Zino HD as my media center PC. It’s worked pretty well, but lately, the computer sometimes “forgets” that it has an HDMI port. The TV just goes blank, … Continue reading

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Climbed South Early Winters Spire

Yesterday, Jenny and I climbed South Early Winters Spire with the Mountaineers. For Jenny, it was her graduation climb: She has officially finished all the requirements for the Basic Alpine Climbing course. I still need a successful glacier climb (but … Continue reading

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Giving ConcJUnit with JUnit 4.12 Another Shot

On Friday, I started working on integrating my ConcJUnit changes into JUnit 4.12. I had started that work at the end of 2014, but I never got around to finishing it. The JUnit unit tests pass now, but there are … Continue reading

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Madame Toulouse Cocktail

This cocktail worked out pretty well: Madame Toulouse (2 servings) a bit more than 1.5 oz grapefruit vodka 1.5 oz lemon juice 1.5 oz peach simple syrup small drop of honey shake over ice, strain add 3 oz of sparkling … Continue reading

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