Category Archives: COMP402

Scrum for COMP 402?

I went to a talk on Scrum yesterday, and it was very interesting. Scrum is an agile software engineering methodology, similar to Extreme Programming. It features a list of externally visible features that need to be implemented, the product backlog. … Continue reading

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In the Thresher!

In light of the upcoming registration period for the Spring 2010 semester, the Rice Thresher (our university newspaper) has published last spring’s course evaluations. It’s kind of cool to be listed in there, even though I probably won’t offer COMP … Continue reading

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Long Overdue Update

It is the end of July already. The last time I … Continue reading

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I love yUML

I haven’t blogged in a long time again, and I d… Continue reading

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Two-Thousand Nine

Okay, I have neglected my blog for about two mo… Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

This semester is now over, I have submitted the… Continue reading

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