Monthly Archives: September 2011

Better Number Highlighting in DrJava More Difficult

Getting the lexing right for the syntax highlighting will be a little bit more work than I thought. Right now, DrJava tokenizes numbers like 3.14 separately as “3” “.” “14”, and then it highlights “3” and “14” as numbers. That … Continue reading

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Additional Java 5 Syntax Highlighting Errors in DrJava

While adding syntax highlighting for underscores and binary literals introduced in Java 7 to DrJava, I discovered that a few other numbers aren’t syntax-highlighted correctly. Some of these problems go back to the beginning of Java, others go back to … Continue reading

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Lost My Phone

I lost my phone on the bus this morning. I stepped off the bus, went into a store, realized my phone wasn’t in my pocket, turned around and saw the bus drive away. Shoot. I immediately changed my Google password, … Continue reading

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Three Logicians Walk into a Bar

I love it. This came to me from Spiked Math by way of Language Log, one of my long-time favorite nerdy blogs.

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Registered for SPLASH 2011

Last night, I registered for SPLASH 2011. I’ll only be there for the Educators Symposium and the Tuesday conference sessions, though. It was a bit of a tough call, but I figured taking vacation days for something I’m still passionate … Continue reading

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Dissertation and Numbers

I received the bound copies of my dissertation yesterday. They look nice, but they’re kind of thin, for so much work. Including front matter, there are 157 pages. Some more numbers: The source code for my dissertation project has 35,979 … Continue reading

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No More NDR2 Streaming Radio?

A few days ago, something really bad happened. The live stream of my favorite radio station, NDR2 from Hamburg, Germany, stopped working for me. For the last few years, NDR2 has been the music I listen to, when I’m at … Continue reading

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Suggestions for Better Java 7 Support in DrJava

I just looked through the new language features in Java 7, and experimented with them in DrJava. None of the changes are supported in the Interactions Pane, and there will be a lot of required work to make these things … Continue reading

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Presidential Active Lifestyle Award

I just completed the PALA challenge: Five days of exercising at least 30 minutes, for six out of eight weeks. I’ve run about 72 miles (115 km), biked several times, and I’ve zumba-ed (if you just look at the instructor, … Continue reading

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FedEx Nightmare Ended, Setting Up Quad-Core Desktop

My FedEx nightmare ended. The package was found at a warehouse and then delivered to the FedEx store where I had requested it to be held. One thing that worried me a little was that it was listed as “Delivered, … Continue reading

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FedEx Horror, Continued

I got an encouraging email from Dell today. Apparently, someone at Dell had talked to FedEx, and they said my package is ready for pickup at the store. Unfortunately, I just talked to the FedEx store where the package is … Continue reading

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