Presentation: Automatic Ad Blocking: Improving AdBlock for the Mozilla Platform

Automatic Ad Blocking: Improving AdBlock for the Mozilla Platform

With: Justin Crites
Where: Rice University, COMP 527 Computer Systems Security
When: November 24, 2004

Advertising on the world wide web is increasingly becoming problematic. In addition to merely being a nuisance, advertisements may also pose a threat to user security. Blocking web advertisements can thus substantially improve the user’s browsing experience.

AdBlock is an open-source plugin for Mozilla browsers that uses regular expressions, an advanced concept unfamiliar to novice users, to block a limited number of HTML elements. This paper describes some of AdBlock’s shortcomings and the remedies we implemented: automatically generating regular expressions, allowing for web updates, and vastly extending the set of blockable elements.


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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