Sometimes javac Does Optimize

Sometimes, javac apparently decides not to be utterly stupid. Sometimes it optimizes. Here’s the special case: When a program locks this, which is always present in local variable 0 in non-static methods, it does not allocate an additional local variable. I expected the following:

aload\_0 // load this
astore\_1 // store this in local 1
monitorenter // lock this
aload\_1 // retrieve this from local 1
monitorexit // unlock this

But in this case, javac is smart enough to realize that aload_0 already contains this, so it generates

aload\_0 // load this
monitorenter // lock this
aload\_0 // load this
monitorexit // unlock this

But, of course, if the user declares a local variable, like in the following example, javac does not recognize this. This Java code

final Object temp = someField;
synchronized(temp) {

mercilessly generates this bytecode:

aload\_0// load this
getstatic 0004 // load field
astore\_1 // store in local 1
aload\_1 // restore from local 1
astore\_2 // store in local 2
monitorenter // lock
aload\_2 // restore from local 2
monitorexit // unlock

Now I have to put more conditionals into my code. Yuck. I hope there aren’t more of these rare optimizations hidden somewhere. All of this gives me a bad feeling about relying on my perception of what javac generates. It would be much more prudent to just rely on the VM specifications, as I did before.


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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