Yet Another New PC (2)

After 1.5 days of installation marathon, I’m almost done setting up my new computer. At first, there were a few problems again after I had moved all SATA hard drives into the Dell and when I was trying to install Windows Server 2003: a nice BSOD right after the text phase of the installation. I think it was the same issue as 1.5 years ago. But this time, I had a slipstreamed CD of Windows Server 2003 ready that included SATA drivers and Service Pack 2.

After that, it has been a pretty smooth ride. One small moment of panic arose when I tried to access my password-protected sensitive data: Somehow, it wouldn’t let me access them anymore (and no, I did have the right password). The volume must have gotten damaged when I transferred it. Fortunately, I had a backup from “last year” (12/27), and I could pretty much reconstruct the data.

What’s still missing? Mainly IntelliJ IDEA and a few utilities. My build environment for DrJava is already set up again, as are the JDKs and Perforce. A few other utilities need to be installed, and then that’s it. After that, I’m definitely going to create Ghost images of the hard drives so I can easily revert to this stage.

Now I’m pretty tired, but I’m already at the office. There’s a new policy at the department that PhD students have to attend the Friday lectures. But I’m happy — the new computer seems pretty fast, the install was pretty smooth, and I’m pretty much done.


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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