Testing Order

I’ve been working a bit more on Concutest-JUnit. Even though I thought I was done, when I ran the tests on different machines, I was still getting errors. Clearly, there were timing problems. I think I got to the root of the problem: Sometimes the main thread continued before the test thread had written the uncaught exception to a field, so success was assumed. I switched the architecture of the “old” style to wait/notify as well.

Then I noticed that in some cases, I was calling notify too early. I called it before I actually threw the exception, so the same problem described above could occur. I rearranged the code everywhere, both in the “old” style and the “new” style portions. I did some refactoring too to improve code reuse.

Now I’m running into another problem: In the “old” 3.8.2-style, where methods are prefixed with “test“, I run the tearDown method before I check if threads are still alive. This allows tearDown to end the “infinite” loop in TimeoutTest. In the “new” 4.0-style code, methods tagged with the @After annotation, the equivalents to tearDown methods, aren’t run until after the check is made if threads are still alive (or more precisely: it’s not guaranteed that they are run before), so an @After method is not always able to kill the “infinite” loop.

What’s the right behavior here? Unfortunately, I’m thinking that tearDown and @After methods are still part of the test, as they perform necessary clean-up. So I guess I’ll have to do some pretty complicated restructuring in the “new” style portion of the code. Or maybe I’ll postpone that for now and accept that there’s a difference in the way “old” and “new” tests behave.


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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