To Do for a DrJava Beta Release

With two weeks left in the semester, we should think about what work
needs to be done on DrJava to make a beta release, followed by a
stable. Should we make these releases even if we don’t fix some of the
serious bugs we currently have?

We have received several comments that our release schedule isn’t
convenient, since we typically make stable releases at the end of the
summer, but larger universities need to install the software at the
beginning of the summer already. It would therefore be advantageous if
we could make a new release soon.

We’ve had one reoccurrence of the “Cannot undo” problem, but it’s
difficult to track down. Most serious problems are in the interpreter.
There are some problems with language levels, but since we do not have
many customers that use language levels in the Fall, fixing those
isn’t as urgent.

Here’s a list of important bugs:


  1. 2983435: CannotUndoException in revision 5202


  1. 2974931: Boolean Short-Circuiting Doesn’t Work (now fixed)
  2. 2962806: Problem with polymorphism in interactions
  3. 2953189: String Concatenation Error (now fixed)
  4. 2895618: Used statement “int num = {1, 2, 3};”, it was a syntax error (now fixed)
  5. 2866108: Interaction Pane Breaks explicit toString() inheritance use (now fixed)

This one makes me wonder if there are other class loader issues in the

  1. 992535: Inner enum declaration fails

These two are not show stoppers, but should be easy to fix:

  1. 2015467: Crash when creating a class in an illegal package
  2. 2985180: Can’t Invoke main Method of Class Declared in Interactions

Not so important:

  1. 2694759: enums can’t appear in EnumSets

Language Levels:

These are also not show stoppers for this release, since we don’t have
many customers that use Language Levels in the Fall. We should attempt
to fix these before the next Spring COMP 211 class, though.

  1. 2782406: Incorrect Error: Cannot access the non-static method
  2. 2675036: import statement is misunderstood
  3. 2675006: final in dj1 generates double final modifier
  4. 2674992: Should automatically generate public modifier


Dan fixed a bunch of bugs.


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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