Here are some quick instructions on how to download and install Java Mint.
- You need Sun’s JDK 6 installed.
- Download the “binaries only” Java Mint zip file from the Java Mint implementation page. In this example, I have saved the file in my home directory, i.e. at
. - Open a console.
- Change into the
cd /usr/local
- Unzip it as root. This means you have to type in your password:
sudo unzip /home/mgricken/
- Set the
environment variables:
export MINT_HOME=/usr/local/JavaMint
export PATH=$PATH:$MINT_HOME/langtools/bin
- To make this permanent, edit your
file and put the two lines from step 6 line at the end of the file.
Now you can compile programs using mintc
and run them using mint
mint Power
There are samples in the /usr/local/JavaMint/langtools/mintTest
directory. You cannot compile them there, however, because the directory is read-only unless you are the root user. So unzip the Java Mint implementation zip file somewhere else, e.g. in /home/mgricken/JavaMint
(Re-posted from The Java Mint Blog)