Installing JavaMint on Linux

Here are some quick instructions on how to download and install Java Mint.


  1. You need Sun’s JDK 6 installed.
  2. Download the “binaries only” Java Mint zip file from the Java Mint implementation page. In this example, I have saved the file in my home directory, i.e. at /home/mgricken.
  3. Open a console.
  4. Change into the /usr/local directory:
    cd /usr/local
  5. Unzip it as root. This means you have to type in your password:
    sudo unzip /home/mgricken/
  6. Set the MINT_HOME and PATH environment variables:
    export MINT_HOME=/usr/local/JavaMint
    export PATH=$PATH:$MINT_HOME/langtools/bin
  7. To make this permanent, edit your .bash_profile or .bashrc file and put the two lines from step 6 line at the end of the file.

Now you can compile programs using mintc and run them using mint.

mint Power

There are samples in the /usr/local/JavaMint/langtools/mintTest directory. You cannot compile them there, however, because the directory is read-only unless you are the root user. So unzip the Java Mint implementation zip file somewhere else, e.g. in /home/mgricken/JavaMint.

(Re-posted from The Java Mint Blog)


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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