Excel and Unix

This morning, I spent about two hours analyzing log files and entering the results into an Excel spreadsheet. Excel decided to make my file 105 MB in size and then crashed.

Tonight, I replaced myself with a very small shell script. Instead of looking at each file individually, I simply used grep, sort and uniq:

% grep -o "Iteration 10" RSTestOne_normal_*.txt | sort|uniq -c
   3188 RSTestOne_normal_Dell9200Core2Duo_20110210-224947.txt:Iteration 10
     94 RSTestOne_normal_MacBookPro_20110118-102839.txt:Iteration 10
    219 RSTestOne_normal_MacBookPro_20110119-143932.txt:Iteration 10
    232 RSTestOne_normal_MacBookPro_20110124-155633.txt:Iteration 10
    227 RSTestOne_normal_MacBookPro_20110207-155452.txt:Iteration 10
    233 RSTestOne_normal_MacBookPro_20110210-170206.txt:Iteration 10
     98 RSTestOne_normal_MacBook_20110120-230432.txt:Iteration 10
     98 RSTestOne_normal_MacBook_20110218-164521.txt:Iteration 10
    316 RSTestOne_normal_MacBook_20110220-044628.txt:Iteration 10
    314 RSTestOne_normal_MacBook_20110221-055041.txt:Iteration 10

About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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