CodeColorer codecolorer-core.php for PHP 7

Actually, there were four more lines that needed to be edited in codecolorer-core.php to make the CodeColorer plugin work for PHP 7.

To make it easier for other people, below is the code in its entirety.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

class CodeColorer {
var $blocks = array();
var $comments = array();

var $geshiExternal = false;
var $geshiVersion = ‘’;

var $geshi;
var $optionsPage;

var $samplePhpCode = ‘
* Comment
function hello() {
echo “Hello!”;
return null;

/* */
/** Search content for code tags and replace it */
function BeforeHighlightCodeBlock($content) {
$content = preg_replace_callback(‘#(\s*)\[cc([^\s\]_]*(?:_[^\s\]]*)?)([^\]]*)\](.*?)\[/cc\2\](\s*)#si’, function($matches){
return $this->PerformHighlightCodeBlock($matches[4], $matches[3], $matches[2], $matches[1], $matches[5]);
}, $content);
$content = preg_replace_callback(‘#(\s*)\(.*?)\(\s*)#si’, function($matches){
return $this->PerformHighlightCodeBlock($matches[3], $matches[2], ”, $matches[1], $matches[4]);
}, $content);

return $content;

function AfterHighlightCodeBlock($content) {
$content = str_replace(array_keys($this->blocks), array_values($this->blocks), $content);

return $content;

function BeforeProtectComment($content) {
$content = preg_replace_callback(‘#(\s*)(\[cc[^\s\]_]*(?:_[^\s\]]*)?[^\]]*\].*?\[/cc\1\])(\s*)#si’, function($matches){
return $this->PerformProtectComment($matches[2], $content, $matches[1], $matches[3]);
}, $content);
$content = preg_replace_callback(‘#(\s*)(\.*?\)(\s*)#si’, function($matches){
return $this->PerformProtectComment($matches[2], $content, $matches[1], $matches[3]);
}, $content);
return $content;

function AfterProtectComment($content) {
$content = str_replace(array_keys($this->comments), array_values($this->comments), $content);
$this->comments = array();

return $content;

* Perform code highlightning
function PerformHighlightCodeBlock($text, $opts, $content, $suffix = ”, $before = ”, $after = ”) {
// Parse options
$options = CodeColorerOptions::ParseOptions($opts, $suffix);

// Load code from a file
if (isset($options[‘file’])) {
$uploadPath = wp_upload_dir();
$baseDir = realpath($uploadPath[‘basedir’]);
$filePath = realpath(path_join($baseDir, $options[‘file’]));
# Security check: do not allow to display arbitrary files, only the ones from
# uploads folder.
if (false === $filePath || 0 !== strncmp($baseDir, $filePath, strlen($baseDir)) || !is_file($filePath)) {
$text = ‘Specified file is not in uploads folder, does not exists, or not a file.’;
$options[‘lang’] = ‘text’;
} else {
$text = file_get_contents($filePath);

// Preprocess source text
$text = str_replace(array(“\\\””, “\\\'”), array (“\””, “\'”), $text);
$text = preg_replace(‘/(< \?php)/i', '‘ . $text . ‘‘;
} else {
// See if we should force a height
$num_lines = count(explode(“\n”, $text));

$result = $this->PerformHighlightGeshi($text, $options);

$result = $this->AddContainer($result, $options, $num_lines);

if ($options[‘inline’]) {
$blockID = $this->GetBlockID($content, false, ‘‘, ‘‘);
} else {
$blockID = $this->GetBlockID($content);
$this->blocks[$blockID] = $result;

if ($options[‘inline’]) {
$result = $before . $blockID . $after;
} else {
$result = “\n\n$blockID\n\n”;

return $result;

* Perform code protecting from mangling by WordPress (used in Comments)
function PerformProtectComment($text, $content, $before, $after) {
$text = str_replace(array(“\\\””, “\\\'”), array (“\””, “\'”), $text);

$blockID = $this->GetBlockID($content, true, ”, ”);
$this->comments[$blockID] = $text;

return $before . $blockID . $after;

* Perform code highlighting using GESHi engine
function PerformHighlightGeshi($content, $options) {
/* Geshi configuration */
if (!$this->geshi) {
$this->geshi = new GeSHi();
$this->geshi->enable_line_numbers(GESHI_NO_LINE_NUMBERS, 1);
if (is_feed()) {
$this->geshi->set_overall_style(‘padding:5px;font:normal 12px/1.4em Monaco, Lucida Console, monospace;white-space:nowrap’);

$geshi = $this->geshi;
if (!is_feed()) {
$geshi->enable_classes($options[‘theme’] != ‘geshi’);
if ($options[‘nowrap’]) {
} else {
} else {
if (!is_null($options[‘strict’])) $geshi->enable_strict_mode($options[‘strict’]);
if (isset($options[‘no_links’]) && $options[‘no_links’]) $geshi->enable_keyword_links(false);
if (isset($options[‘highlight’])) {
$hlines = explode(‘,’, $options[‘highlight’]);
$highlight = array(); /* Empty array to store processed line numbers*/
foreach($hlines as $v) {
list($from, $to) = explode(‘-‘, $v);
if (is_null($to)) $to = $from;
for ($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) { array_push($highlight, $i); } } /* Sort the array in ascending numerical order */ sort($highlight); $geshi->highlight_lines_extra($highlight);
if ($options[‘inline’]) {
} else {

$result = $geshi->parse_code();

if ($geshi->error()) {
return $geshi->error();

if ($options[‘line_numbers’] && !$options[‘inline’]) {
$table = ‘

$result = $table . ‘
‘ . $result . ‘


return $result;

function AddContainer($html, $options, $num_lines) {
$custom_css_class = empty($options[‘class’]) ? ” : ‘ ‘ . $options[‘class’];
if ($options[‘inline’]) {
$theme = empty($options[‘inline_theme’]) ? ‘default’ : $options[‘inline_theme’];
$result = ‘';
$result .= '' . $html . '';
$result .= '
} else {
$theme = empty($options[‘theme’]) ? ‘default’ : $options[‘theme’];
$style = ‘style=”‘;
if ($options[‘nowrap’]) $style .= ‘overflow:auto;white-space:nowrap;’;
if (is_feed()) $style .= ‘border:1px solid #9F9F9F;’;
$style .= $this->GetDimensionRule(‘width’, is_feed() ? $options[‘rss_width’] : $options[‘width’]);
if($num_lines > $options[‘lines’] && $options[‘lines’] > 0) {
$style .= $this->GetDimensionRule(‘height’, $options[‘height’]);
$style .= ‘”‘;

$css_class = ‘codecolorer-container ‘ . $options[‘lang’] . ‘ ‘ . $theme . $custom_css_class;
if ($options[‘noborder’]) $css_class .= ‘ codecolorer-noborder’;
$result = ‘

‘ . $html . ‘

return $result;

* Generate a block ID that will be replaced at the end (after all that
* crazy WP text work!) with the right code
function GetBlockID($content, $comment = false, $before = ‘

‘, $after = ‘

‘) {
static $num = 0;

$block = $comment ? ‘COMMENT’ : ‘BLOCK’;
$before = $before . ‘::CODECOLORER_’ . $block . ‘_’;
$after = ‘::’ . $after;

// Just do a check to make sure the user
// hasn’t (however unlikely) input block replacements
// as legit text
do {
$blockID = $before . $num . $after;
} while (strpos($content, $blockID) !== false);

return $blockID;

function GetDimensionRule($dimension, $value) {
$rule = ”;
if (!empty($value)) $rule = “$dimension:$value” . (is_numeric($value) ? ‘px;’ : ‘;’);
return $rule;

function ShowWarning($type, $title, $message) {
$disable = ‘ ‘ . __(‘Close’, ‘codecolorer’) . ‘‘;
echo ‘

‘ . $title . “ ” . $message . $disable . “


function ShowGeshiWarning() {
if ($this->geshiExternal) {
$this->ShowWarning(‘concurrent’, __(‘CodeColorer has detected a problem.’, ‘codecolorer’), sprintf(__(‘We found another plugin based on GeSHi library in your system. CodeColorer will work, but our version of GeSHi contain some patches, so we can\’t guarantee an ideal code highlighting now. Please review your plugins, maybe you don\’t need them all.’, ‘codecolorer’), “plugins.php”));

function ShowOptionsPage() {
$page = $this->GetOptionsPage();

function GetOptionsPage() {
if (!$this->optionsPage) {
if (!class_exists(‘CodeColorerAdmin’)) {
$path = dirname(__FILE__);
if (!file_exists(“$path/codecolorer-admin.php”)) return false;
$this->optionsPage = new CodeColorerAdmin($this);
return $this->optionsPage;

function GetCodeHighlighted($code) {
$content = $this->BeforeHighlightCodeBlock($code);
return $this->AfterHighlightCodeBlock($content);

function GetSampleCodeHighlighted() {
return $this->GetCodeHighlighted($this->samplePhpCode);

function &GetInstance() {
static $instance = null;

if (null === $instance) {
$path = dirname(__FILE__);
if (!class_exists(‘CodeColorerOptions’)) {
if (!file_exists(“$path/codecolorer-options.php”)) return null;

$instance = new CodeColorer();

# Maybe GeSHi has been loaded by some another plugin?
if (!class_exists(‘GeSHi’)) {
if (!file_exists(“$path/lib/geshi.php”)) return null;
} else {
$instance->geshiExternal = true;

return $instance;


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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