Assertions Violated

Indeed, there exist schedules that let the synchronization points occur in the incorrect order. I added two assertions and a counter to the framework that make sure that the program is actually following the schedule. Note that these assertions are outside any kind of lock, of course:

printf("[%d] replayWait ends ------------------------\n", tid);

* Assert that the events are happening in the correct order */
printf("@@@@@ Asserting actual [%d %d] == expected [%d %d] @@@@@\n",
code, tid, schedule[outScheduleIndex], schedule[outScheduleIndex+1]);
assert(code == schedule[outScheduleIndex]);
assert(tid == schedule[outScheduleIndex+1]);
outScheduleIndex = outScheduleIndex + 2;

Now I let SPIN simulate all possible interleavings while checking for violated assertions, and at least one violating schedule was found:

pan: assertion violated (tid==schedule[(outScheduleIndex+1)]) (at depth 76)
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 75
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 73
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 71
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 69
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 69
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 65
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 61
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 60
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 59
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 58
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 56
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 54
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 53
pan: wrote pan_in.trail
pan: reducing search depth to 52
(Spin Version 4.2.3 -- 5 February 2005)
	+ Partial Order Reduction

Full statespace search for:
	never claim         	- (not selected)
	assertion violations	+
	cycle checks       	- (disabled by -DSAFETY)
	invalid end states	+

State-vector 192 byte, depth reached 139, errors: 14
     953 states, stored
     615 states, matched
    1568 transitions (= stored+matched)
       0 atomic steps
hash conflicts: 0 (resolved)

Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
0.194 	equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
0.706 	actual memory usage for states (unsuccessful compression: 363.30%)
	State-vector as stored = 729 byte + 12 byte overhead
2.097 	memory used for hash table (-w19)
0.002 	memory used for DFS stack (-m52)
0.082 	memory lost to fragmentation
2.724 	total actual memory usage

Here’s a summary of the shortest trace that violates the assertions. It looks exactly as I suspected last night:

preparing trail, please wait...done
Starting :init: with pid 0
  1:	proc  0 (:init:) line  22 "pan_in" (state 1)
	[schedule[0] = 1]
 10:	proc  1 (thread) line  12 "waitalgo.pml" (state 1)
	[printf('[%d] replayWait(%d, %d)\\n',tid,code,tid)]
 28:	proc  1 (thread) line  95 "waitalgo.pml" (state 63)
	[printf('[%d] sync point match at index = %d\\n',tid,replayIndex)]
[1] replayWait ends ------------------------
 36:	proc  1 (thread) line 236 "waitalgo.pml" (state 159)
	[printf('[%d] replayWait ends ------------------------\\n',tid)]
 37:	proc  2 (thread) line  22 "waitalgo.pml" (state 2)
 45:	proc  2 (thread) line  95 "waitalgo.pml" (state 63)
	[printf('[%d] sync point match at index = %d\\n',tid,replayIndex)]
[2] replayWait ends ------------------------
 53:	proc  2 (thread) line 236 "waitalgo.pml" (state 159)
	[printf('[%d] replayWait ends ------------------------\\n',tid)]
 54:	proc  2 (thread) line 243 "waitalgo.pml" (state 161)
spin: line 244 "waitalgo.pml", Error: assertion violated
spin: text of failed assertion: assert((tid==schedule[(outScheduleIndex+1)]))
#processes: 4
 54:	proc  3 (thread) line  17 "waitalgo.pml" (state 156)
 54:	proc  2 (thread) line 244 "waitalgo.pml" (state 162)
 54:	proc  1 (thread) line 240 "waitalgo.pml" (state 164)
 54:	proc  0 (:init:) line  30 "pan_in" (state 12)
4 processes created

Assertions are a good thing, but it’s always sad when they are violated, along with your hopes.


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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