New DrJava Beta Release: drjava-beta-20100711-r5314

We have just released our third beta version in preparation for the next stable release: drjava-beta-20100711-r5314. You can download it from SourceForge or from the DrJava homepage.

Available for download at .

DrJava is a lightweight programming environment for Java designed to
foster test-driven software development. It includes an intelligent
program editor, an interactions pane for evaluating program text, a
source level debugger, and a unit testing tool.

In addition to bug fixes in anticipation of the next stable release,
this beta release includes a number of new features introduced after
the last beta release:

These features include a simplified Java language level facility,
the ability to generate a custom DrJava .jar file that contains
additional libraries, and the ability to abort a “Find All” search
that encounters missing files.

Note: Java 1.4 compatibility has been dropped. To use DrJava, you will
need Java 5 or newer.

New features since the last beta release:

  • There is a new option in Preferences/Interactions Pane
    called “Smart Run (‘java’) Command”. If enabled (default),
    the “Run” button and the “java” command in the Interactions
    Pane detects if the class (a) is an ACM Java Task Force
    program (subclass of acm.program.Program) or (b) an applet.
    If (a), then it runs the program’s main method, but inserts
    “code=MyClass” as argument 0. If (b), it starts the
    applet viewer. Otherwise, the “java” command behaves just
    as before.
  • Right margin line.
  • Improved Save As file naming.
  • Tools->Advanced->New DrJava Instance feature.
  • Appending .jar to file name when generating custom DrJava.

Bug fixes since last beta release:

  • StringIndexOutOfBoundsException During Next Word
  • Exception when double click on External process tab
  • This commit fixes some glitches in the new functional
    LL, effectively subsuming both the Elementary (.dj0)
    and Intermediate (.dj1) language levels.
  • Bugfix for throw null
  • Fixing a memory leak in DefinitionsPane.

New features since the last stable release:

  • The Eclipse Java Compiler is now integrated into DrJava. DrJava
    therefore does not require the JDK anymore to compile
    programs. Note that the JDK is still required to use the debugger
    or to create Javadoc.
  • DrJava supports the OpenJDK and JavaMint (multi-stage programming
    in Java; see ) compilers.
  • JUnit 4.7 support.
  • ConcJUnit support (for concurrent unit tests; see ).
  • Access control for private and package private members now enabled
    by default.
  • DynamicJava (Interpreter) error messages are much better,
    especially those involving method and constructor invocation.
  • Added support in DynamicJava for explicit type arguments in local
    function invocations (x = foo(23)).
  • The Breakpoint, Bookmarks, and Find Results tabbed panes now have
    Previous/Next buttons and associated keyboard shortcuts for simpler
  • The Interactions Pane working directory can now be specified even
    when not using projects.
  • If DrJava cannot start, for example because of bad memory settings
    in the Preferences, DrJava will suggest that you let it reset the
  • The preferred compiler can now be set, and this setting will be
    restored when DrJava starts the next time.
  • Zoom for Print Preview.
  • New Class wizard.
  • Save Copy ability for Definitions documents, Interactions Pane and
    Console Pane contents.
  • The Java Language Level facility has been simplified. There now is
    only one language level called “Functional Java”, using the file
    extension .dj. It is comparable to the Intermediate level and
    can still compile .dj0 and .dj1 files. .dj2 files are compiled
    using the Full Java compiler. DrJava will suggest that you rename
    .dj0 and .dj1 files to .dj files, and .dj2 files to .java files.
  • DrJava can generate a custom .jar file of itself that includes
    additional files. There is a Tools/Advanced/Generate Custom
    drjava.jar menu item that takes the current DrJava executable file
    and a number of user-specified files to generate a new jar file.

    • The libraries included in the new jar file will then
      automatically be included in the classpath and be usable without
      adding them to a classpath somewhere.
    • There is no functionality to remove the libraries again from the
      modified jar file.
    • Generating a custom DrJava jar file disables the check for
      updated versions. Otherwise a user may download an updated
      version that doesnt have required libraries anymore.
  • When DrJava encounters missing files during a “Find All” search,
    it will ask the user whether to continue or abort the search.
  • Improved “New Java Class” dialog with some auto-completion.
  • Better feedback when Java API data is loaded, which may involve
    some delay if it is retrieved from the internet.

Bug fixes since the last stable release:

  • Fixed some indentation bugs.
  • Fixed some GUI initialization problems that prevented DrJava from
    starting on some systems.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented DrJava from opening on MacOS 10.5 or
  • Fixed compiler error when closing curly brace missing.
  • Fixed NullPointerException in Jar Project dialog.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from editing External Processes.
  • Fixed a bug in un-commenting source code.
  • Fixed a bug in displaying the Auto-Import dialog in the
    Interactions Pane.
  • Improved suggestion to increase interactions JVM heap.
  • Improved responsiveness when selecting a compiler.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from generating Javadoc of
    Language Level files.
  • DynamicJava (Interpreter) bug fix allows the declaration of
  • Miscellaneous small DynamicJava bug fixes make it much more robust
    and correct, including better handling of member lookup, inner
    classes, enums, interfaces, raw types, static imports, switch
    statements, casts, and final variables.
  • Bugfix for comparing 0.0 == -0.0 and NaNs.
  • Bugfix in DynamicJava: Supports annotation declarations
  • Bugfix in DynamicJava: Fixes parser bug for enums
  • Bugfix in DynamicJava: Fixes implicit accessibility of interface
  • Bugfix in DynamicJava: Fixes checking of assignments from character
  • Bugfix in DynamicJava: Improves checking of casts
  • Bugfix in DynamicJava: getClass() is a special method with type
    Class for all classes
  • Bugfix in DynamicJava: Improves error messages for inner class
  • Bugfix in DynamicJava: Preserves location in wildcards
  • Bugfix in DynamicJava: Catches errors that occur during static
    initialization of a class
  • Bugfix in DynamicJava: Short-circuiting during type checking
  • Bugfix in DynamicJava: += for strings
  • Bugfix in DynamicJava: Array initializer is assigned to a non-array
  • Misc improvements to DynamicJava SoureChecker
  • Bugfix that prevented users from watching local variables in the
  • Smaller Java Language Level fixes.

About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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One Response to New DrJava Beta Release: drjava-beta-20100711-r5314

  1. Pingback: New Mint Release: r15637 | A Concurrent Affair

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