Generic Class May Not Extend Throwable

Another bit of Java trivia I just learned: A generic class may not implement Throwable. Interesting, huh? I guess Throwable and exceptions have a special meaning in Java and representation in the JVM, so there are probably some limitations, but I still find this irritating.

I was trying to write a wrapper exception that extended RuntimeException for the purpose of moving a checked exception out of a method that does not have a throws clause for that checked exception in a controlled fashion. This is what I tried:

public class WrappedException
extends RuntimeException {
private T _wrapped;
public WrappedException(String message, T cause) {
super(message, cause);
_wrapped = cause;
public WrappedException(T cause) {
_wrapped = cause;
public T wrapped() { return _wrapped; }

It would have allowed me to do the following:

public someMethod() { // no throws clause
try {
catch(IOException e) { // checked exception
throw new WrappedException(e);

public otherMethod() throws IOException {
try {
catch(WrappedException we) {
throw we.wrapped();

But I guess it all makes sense… It’s erasure at work. If you look at the catch clause, you just know this can’t work in Java: How will the JVM be able to distinguish a WrappedException<IOException> from a WrappedException<ClassNotFoundException>? It just can’t, with everything erased.


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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