Writing, Reading, Just Not Here

So it has obviously been a while since I have written about anything here. That doesn’t mean I haven’t written, as the “Thesis Progress” post shows. I’ve written a lot. I have read a lot. Without actually trying to write a lot, my MS thesis has grown to 197 pages total. Right now I’m proofreading the third hard copy of the document I’ve made. The first hard copy was still printed with empty backs; for the second, I already had to print with duplex, or I wouldn’t have been able to staple the pages together.

Yeah… So I’m proofreading, and I’m still finding mistakes. I also go back to my notes from the blog and sometimes add a sentence here or there, if I find an important thought is missing.

I have sent out two drafts of the thesis to my committee members. I think it’s about time to talk to them in greater detail and get feedback. And, at least in my opinion, it’s time to start arranging a defense date.

Obviously, I have missed the original deadline: Eight days ago, I was supposed to have defended my thesis and turned in the final version. I didn’t, and therefore I broke the timetable I had set up for myself in the petition for extending the MS deadline that I wrote last fall. I feel like I’m “close enough” in spirit, though, because I’m missing it only by a few weeks. I probably could have defended, but I wouldn’t have got feedback, and the document would have been very crappy.

Regardless, I need to write another petition and ask for an extension of the extension. I’m pretty sure it will be accepted, though, since I have 197 pages written, and it could have been many more. I saved a lot of detail for the PhD thesis already.


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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