Subversion Word Diff

While looking for information on Soot, I found this little gem here by Chris Pickett: swd, Subversion Word Diff.

This is perfect for writing LaTeX papers in a group. For example, when I do an svn diff on our Mint paper, I might get something like this:

 A key issue for MSP is type safety, which ensures statically that all
-programs generated at runtime will be well-formed. Unfortunately,
-although it is known how to ensure type safety for MSP in the purely
-functional setting \cite{taha98,taha03,calcagno04}, it remained an
+programs generated at runtime will be well-formed. Although it had
+been known how to ensure type safety for MSP in the purely functional
+setting \cite{taha98,taha03,calcagno04}, it previously remained an
 open challenge how to extend this guarantee to mainstream languages
 such as Java.  In particular, standard features of mainstream

When I use Chris’ svn wdiff, I get something much cleaner:

A key issue for MSP is type safety, which ensures statically that all
programs generated at runtime will be well-formed. Unfortunately,
although Although it is had
been known how to ensure type safety for MSP in the purely functional
setting \cite{taha98,taha03,calcagno04}, it previously remained an
open challenge how to extend this guarantee to mainstream languages

This could have been really useful during editing before submitting the camera-ready version.


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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