Soot May-Happen-in-Parallel Analysis

I got Soot’s “may happen in parallel” (MHP) analysis to work, but only on a very small, completely unrealistic example which I used to test my “shared volatile” code (source below). Even for this, I needed to set the heap size to 2 GB (which, if I remember correctly, won’t work on Windows machines). Anything a little bit bigger either exhausted
memory or caused the JVM garbage collector crash.

They must be horribly inefficient with their static analysis. In one of the theses I read today, the biggest benchmarks had 3,800 lines of code. Maybe I am doing something wrong, because they used 1.5 GB heap, but as of now I have doubts their analysis scales to real applications like DrJava.

Furthermore, Soot’s MHP analysis doesn’t take the event thread into account, but this is probably a smaller issue.

package testers.volatileVarsThread;

public class VolatileVarsThread {
public static volatile int vsField;
public static int sField;
public static volatile int vsField_notShared;
public static int sField_notShared;

public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {

int i = doStuff() + doStuff();
System.out.println("i = "+i);

I c = new C();
catch(java.lang.Exception e) { }
++vsField_notShared ;
B b = new B();

public static int doStuff() {
return new A().foo() + 2;

class A {
public int foo() {
return bar() + 1;

public int bar() {
return 123;

interface I {
public void doSomething();

class B implements I {
public volatile int vField_notShared;
public int field_notShared;
public volatile int vField_notSharedButDynamicTarget;
public int field_notSharedButDynamicTarget;
public B() {
public void doSomething() {

class C implements I {
public volatile int vField = 3;
public int field = 4;

public void doSomething() {
vField = 0;
field = 0;


About Mathias

Software development engineer. Principal developer of DrJava. Recent Ph.D. graduate from the Department of Computer Science at Rice University.
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